Aiming for the Lighthouse -but it's a steep learning curve

Aiming for the Lighthouse -but it's a steep learning curve

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Shelfari Bookshelf

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

1 comment:

  1. I began my week with a newfound awareness or rather a newfound sense of discovery, of how my world is REALLY shaped by the technology of communication.
    By Tuesday I had made a decision to upgrade my ancient database which I inherited when I bought my business nearly 10 years ago. I made contact with an IT man I met many years ago when I first thought of upgrading. We have spent many hours talking through the things I would like in my database over the years and he went ahead and designed something around my ideas, which he presented to our Managing Directors who then did not take up the program, despite outlaying several thousand dollars - of our collective money.
    As it happens Filemaker Pro was releasing its latest upgrade the very next day and so my contact and decision, my timing, was serendipitous.
    But to the point, I was treated to my first ever IT learning experience via online link. I was connected to my expert's computer as he ran me through the program. As we spoke on the phone my computer showed me consecutive screens as he explained them and asked what I needed changed or fixed or adapted. I was blown away.
    The thought of finally making the decision to go get what I have been saying I wanted for years was quite exhilerating and also a bit daunting. The changes to our day to day operations will be significant and will require me 'teaching' my staff as well. If all goes well it should however save time and money in the long term.

    Therein lies for me perhaps the essence of my journey into understanding eLearning as it applies to my world.
    1. What is eLearning?
    2 How does it apply to my life - my personal and my professional life?
    3. How do I feel about the changes this requires me to make?
    4. How do I see these changes impacting on myself and those with whom I interact - personally or professionally?
    5. How do I see the future for eLearning?
